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How to Beat Imposter Syndrome At Work: Instant Confidence Boosters

How to Beat Imposter Syndrome At Work: Instant Confidence Boosters

by Brittany Jorel

A year ago

Bold ish

How to Beat Imposter Syndrome At Work: Instant Confidence Boosters

by Brittany Jorel

A year ago

How to Beat Imposter Syndrome At Work: Instant Confidence Boosters

"I can't believe I still haven't mastered this."

"This is embarrassing – I can't charge money for this!"

"I feel like I'm faking everything and know nothing."

"What if someone finds me out?"

"I can't do this."

Those statements don't exactly sound like a pep talk. Yet, many of us are too familiar with these thoughts taking up space in our brains. We feel like an imposter - someone who tries to trick people into believing that the individual is someone else.

Look, nobody is perfect, and we're all learning here! And you are so far from alone. InnovateMR, a market research company, found that as many as 75% of female executives deal with Imposter Syndrome.

So, what do we do?

Boost Your Confidence

As is the case with everything, practice is critical. If you start to apply steps consistently to boost your confidence, you'll slowly but surely notice a positive difference.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Stop Comparing & Start Celebrating!

Comparison is the thief of joy. Instead of comparing yourself to your colleagues or focusing on the fact (or perception) that you currently lack knowledge in a particular area, focus on your past successes! 

What skillset or characteristic makes you unique that can be celebrated? When could you contribute positively in the workplace, whether in big or small ways? Focus on the positive and celebrate your wins.


Is there someone at work whom you admire? What skills do they have? Take note of those skills and tackle one. You can always grow your knowledge, and so many free or affordable resources are available (YouTube, LinkedIn Learning, etc.). Just be sure to take it one step at a time so you don't try to learn fifty new things at once, get overwhelmed, and give up altogether.

Build On Your Strengths

It can be hard to figure out where your strengths lie. Take the time to sort out what you do well and what comes more easily to you. Build on that! If you're already naturally good at something, you'll find it much easier and more enjoyable to focus on growing that skill further than forcing yourself to learn something that may not align as much with your know-how.

Dress To Impress (Yourself)

While we're told not to judge a book by its cover, the cover IS the first thing we see. And that's not just true for seeing others or how others see us, but also for ourselves. Take time to learn which clothes you feel empowered and comfortable in, and have some fun switching up your wardrobe! 

You'll be amazed how good you feel when you're dressed in something comfortable, making you feel more put together. This can be a simple way to give yourself a significant confidence boost!

As you practice these strategies and discover more that resonate with you, you'll find that your confidence will start to grow in leaps and bounds. You're not alone! We're all out here just trying to survive (and then graduate from just surviving to thriving!). I know it can look like everyone, but you have it together, but that's one of the lies we've learned to believe.

The key here is to take it easy. Baby steps! As already mentioned, trying to grow in all areas at once will cause overwhelm and fatigue. You have time to do this, and you'll likely find far better and lasting results if you take a "slow and steady" approach. Before you know it, you'll correct your self-talk to:

"I'm good at this!"

"I deserve to be paid for this."

"I'm growing and learning!"

"I love being seen and having my work complimented."

"I CAN do this!"



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