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Bold ish

How to Ask for a Pay Raise with Confidence

How to Ask for a Pay Raise with Confidence

by Brittany Jorel

A year ago

Bold ish

How to Ask for a Pay Raise with Confidence

by Brittany Jorel

A year ago

How to Ask for a Pay Raise with Confidence

Let's make today a good day to talk about something uncomfortable: asking for a pay raise!

I know, I know – what a fun thing to talk about.

But really, asking for a pay raise can be such an empowering experience. And Lord knows, with the cost of living rising steadily, a pay raise would be a huge answer to prayer for many of us.

So, let's jump right in!


Before we talk about how to approach asking for a pay raise, let's first talk about your confidence! How do we get a boost in that department?

Asking for a raise can be terrifying, and if you feel that way, know that you are not alone. 60% of women have actually never negotiated their salary, and 72% say that they would rather switch jobs to make more money than talk to their current employer about getting a raise! 

But you know what? Changing jobs often and always being "the new kid" is also stressful. So let's see if we can boost your confidence instead, so you don't feel the need to job hop!

Tip 1: Confident Body Language

This one is HUGE. Your body language can help you out a lot when asking for a raise. Assured but relaxed eye contact, a firm handshake, and good posture go a long way!

Tip 2: Positive Thoughts

If you're going in assuming the worst, you won't exude confidence. That's just how it goes. 

I get that you might be nervous and unsure. But guess what: most people feel that way! That's how the saying "fake it 'til you make it" (whether you love it or hate it) became such a cliche. So, give yourself a little pep talk and choose to believe that things just might go exactly your way!

Tip 3: Stop Overthinking

Speaking of thoughts – STOP IT. I mean, yes, thinking is important. So don't stop altogether. However, don't beat yourself up mentally and run on a hamster wheel of never-ending "what if" scenarios. 

You do not have to get every detail perfect, you are still allowed to be human, and it's OK (great, even) to just take a leap of faith and see what happens!


Now that we've talked about how to boost your confidence a little, let's talk strategy! How could you approach the practical side of asking for a raise?

Step 1: Consider Your Work

How have you been performing? How have you been contributing? What have you been doing to make you feel you can reasonably expect a raise? 

Reflect on your work and build a case in your mind. A helpful tip is to consider the job description for your role when you were hired. How have you performed relative to that description? How have you perhaps gone above and beyond?

Step 2: Salary Research

Know the going rate for your industry, your specific role in that industry and your location. You want to be realistic and informed. 

This will allow you to share a specific dollar amount when it comes to asking for a raise!

Step 3: More Responsibilities

Would you be willing to grow your role and take on more tasks? This is a great negotiating piece if it's appropriate for your specific scenario. 

Consider what else you would be open to and if you have the time and capacity to add a little more to your plate. You add value to your ask by doing so and show that you are still very much wanting to hold up your end of the "deal."

Step 4: Consider the Timing

Depending on how things run at your place of employment, there might be times that are better than others to organically bring up the matter of pay. 

For example, perhaps you have annual reviews; this is a great time to discuss the subject! Also, think about when the last time was that you received a raise and how long you have been with your current employer.

Step 5: Prepare Mentally

It's possible that your employer just cannot give you a raise at this time. Are you open to other benefits to compensate for the lack of pay increase? Consider what else you could put forward and negotiate. Maybe, you are open to getting better health benefits, a more flexible schedule, or more vacation time.

And, worst case, you may just get a solid "no" with no further negotiation possible. Prepare for this mentally as well as you can! Consider what you would do in that scenario. Are you OK with a "no"? Would you want to wait and ask again another time? Would this be a deal-breaker for you, and would you want to start job hunting? The more you prepare mentally, the less you'll be caught off guard!


No matter the outcome, asking for a pay raise is a huge exercise in personal growth! Believe in yourself, breathe deeply, and let’s GO!


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